
Resources for Philosophers

Links that may be useful if pursuing an interest in philosophy:

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.  This online encyclopedia is an excellent resource.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.   Also useful. 

PhilPapers.  A comprehensive directory of philosophical articles.

Oxford University Department for Continuing Education.  Provides philosophy short courses in person and online.

The Oxford Philosophical Society.  Society for amateur philosophers.  I am on the committee.  

Birkbeck College, London.  Provides philosophy degrees for mature students.  I did the Philosophy MA.

Effective Altruism  Effective altruism introduction and links.

Give Well.  Charity recommendations. 

Effective Altruism Introductory Course.  I found this online course very valuable. 

EA Forum. The EA online discussion forum.   An online textbook for utilitarianism. 

Happier Lives Institute.  Researching how to apply Happiness Science.

LessWrong. Rationality community.


Some Interesting Websites

Steven Pinker.  My favourite writer has an excellent website with links to his writings and free lectures.  

Sean Carroll. Impressive material including The Biggest Ideas In the Universe free lecture series.

Humanists UK. For the non-religious.

Richard Y Chappell  Blog on philosophical ethics of utilitarianism and EA.

Joe Carlsmith  Blog with interesting EA philosophical idea, with fine audio readings.  

Fin Moorhouse Website of an EA researcher with useful posts and links.

And More Personal:

High Oaks Petcare.  My daughter’s dog grooming business. 

Garden City Runners.   My running club.

Panshanger Parkun.  My local Parkrun.

St Albans Trapeze.  For the braver members of my family.

Red Rubber Ball Foundation.  I am a trustee of this charity which provides secondary school scholarships in Kenya.